Principal Investigator

Nir Shavit: shanir@mit.edu



Thomas Athey: tathey_1@mit.edu. Thomas is interested generally in building efficient workflows for extracting brain anatomy from images, and mathematical frameworks to model anatomical data. He obtained his PhD under Michael Miller and Joshua Vogelstein at Johns Hopkins working with mesoscale data (10^-6 m.), and is excited to shift to microscale data (10^-9 m.) in the CCG group. He is supported by the MIT-Novo Nordisk Postdoctoral Fellows Program.

Graduate Students


Linghao Kong: linghao@mit.edu. Linghao is interested in understanding fundamental input/output properties of neurons and how such properties contribute to local network behavior. His current projects include investigating how in vivo neurons synchronize their inputs and how sparsification affects neurons in LLMs.

Shashata Sawmya: shashata@mit.edu. Shashata is interested in finding ways to democratize connectomics data acquisition and analysis. He also has interests in efficient machine learning, LLM compression, and efficient fine-tuning. Additionally, Shashata is intrigued by the parallels and distinctions between computational networks in silicon and in biological tissues, exploring the underlying principles that define functionality in these diverse systems.


Tony Wang: twang6@mit.edu. Tony researches AI safety and connectomics, and is trying to understand the fundamental computational mechanisms behind both artificial and biological neural networks.


Heidi Durresi
Kaivu Hariharan


Heather Berlin
Liam Britt
David Budden
Michael Coulombe
Rati Gelashvili
Jonathan Stoller
Victor Jakubiuk
Justin Kopinski
Alexander Matveev
Yaron Meirovitch
Lu Mi
Quan Nguyen
Gergely Odor
Robert Radway
Shraman Ray Chaudhuri
David Rolnick
Jonathan Rosenfeld
Hayk Saribekyan
Shibani Santurkar




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